Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Christmas


What a day! How blessed a day to celebrate to day our Savior came. He came as a baby! The word became flesh, and dwelt among us! The more I think about the humility of our Lord Jesus Christ, the more and more I am amazed. This Christmas was unlike any I have ever had! I am so overjoyed to have been able to spend Christmas with my family at RHI. Though I missed my family a bit and it didn’t quite feel like the White Christmas I am used to, I loved spending that day in the sun, here in South Africa! :)

 This Christmas I learned much about the humility of the Son of God, coming and dwelling among us. I was challenged to worship. Making lesser of the gifts and more of the reason Jesus came. 
He didn’t just come as baby Jesus all cute and sweet, so we can sing harmonious songs about him, but Christ came for a purpose so long foretold. Jesus came as King, as High Priest, and as the only one who could pay the ransom for our wicked souls.  He came not as a cute little ornament to hang on our trees, but as a victor of death! As a proclaimer of peace to set the captives free. He came to solve the world’s largest problem;  that even behind all the show, colorful lights, and money spent, we can't escape are depraved, and in desperate need of rescuing. 
I am not trying to bash anyone’s Christmas cheer, but maybe the reason for the cheer is more than Santa…actually I know it is!  It is JESUS, God in flesh, lowering himself to do what no gift of offering could ever do. He came to live unprivileged, downcast, sorrowful, and even hated. But he came to bring JOY to the world, to give them hope for their wickedness that no matter how hard we try we'll never solve our problem. But Jesus was born to give us life, break the chains of sin, bridge the gap so that we might have fellowship with God the Father!! Baby Jesus was born to live and die... and pay the debt I deserve! Jesus was born to die to save!! 

Wow, that is Christmas. Jesus: more than cute. Victor of Death, Messiah , Great I am, chosen One.
Oh Come Let us ADORE Him- Christ the Lord.

Here is a song that I have enjoyed. Listen to the words if you can. And enjoy the smiling faces I got to spend this christmas with :)







We spent a day at a nearby pool as a gift for christmas! :) A first for me.





Tumi trying out his new bike :)

Monday, December 3, 2012


So far during my time in Africa, I have never have felt like it was Africa, like everyone imagined.
I made sure to check a couple days before I came when Lois asked me if there were any last minute questions. I asked if there was any snakes or strange spiders I should mentally prepare for. No matter that answer I was given I knew I was leaving soon enough to not turn back. Amazingly enough there hasn't been anything I have been to worry too much about! that it is summer time, there are a couple of things coming out to enjoy the summer along with us...
It still isn't the Africa everyone thinks about when they think of "Africa", but here are some nice "little" South African critters that have reminded me I am not in Iowa anymore :)

First Encounter.

This happened in late July as I at one time, had eight spider bites on my face! Whatever kind of spider made a snack of my face, made it quite an itchy and awkward statement which I tried to explain. I tried to explain it's damage whenever someone would look upon my face with an odd wonder, and apathetic look of  my misfortune....but the explanation didn't always get to the worried onlookers.

The Second.
Our friendly neighborhood Shongololo known as the Great African Millipede! They are very common actually(I see about 6 a day now)  They start out small but can grow to be up to a foot long. I was first introduced as this one tried to crawl up my leg while Lerato and I were working on a school project outside. 

Third, and Most Scary.
The Red Roman Spider. 
In the last week I have seen two which is enough to make a little squirmy... 
Known for it's unique nest making habits, it is fortunately not harmful or venomous. 

Whatever, I am not a fan

Last and Most Recent.

Really BIG toads!

The guys found these in the garden. So today they had some fun, and the toads actually drew blood on after biting Louie's finger! Also watched them go after one another. It was a pretty good show this afternoon.

Not the African critters you imagined?

Even with all these creepy, crawly critters, I am so thankful for the grace that God gives everyday. He gives us new mercies every day! Grace upon grace! and I am so thankful for that! 

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John bore witness about him, and cried out, “This was he of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me ranks before me, because he was before me.’”)  For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace."- John 1:14-16

"This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.
 It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him."- Lamentations 3:21-24

Monday, November 26, 2012

An Emotional Dummy?

Today I was reminded of a quote that I have loved. Because as a girl I can be thrown around, day by day, by a war of emotions. That was today for me... Today I have been an Emotional Dummy. At least I am feeling like those dummies for car crash testing. Or maybe the fact that I FEEL all these ways is just making me, the opposite of a smarty pants. But it all just goes to show, no area of your life is left unchallenged to walk obediently, and in a manner that is worthy to the calling we have received in Christ.

I am so thankful for the emotions God has created us with.
Emotions are a response, they make us human (created in the image of God) they move us to do things, and they are a deeper form of who we are. Just imagine worship without feeling. 

I used to think that emotions were bad.  But God has given them to us as a tool and a gift. It is when our emotions slip from being a response to truths, and turn making us believe them truth in themselves- that is when we are on slippery ground.

God gave us the wonderful gift of emotions, for the sake of His Kingdom, and to reveal His character, and -as  The Church- to show Jesus' compassion (Isaiah 54:7-8), share His joy (Jesus speaking John 17:13), and even His intercession in prayer (Romans 8:26-27). 

But there is a battle with emotions because like I lion roaming around seeking someone to devour; the devil is pretty sneaky slipping in to trip you up.
Emotions are not what I will build my hope on, for they are like shifting sands; when they shift, I fall. They are not stable. I need a firm foundation to respond to.  I will build my life on The Mighty Rock, the unchanging truth, of Jesus Christ, and His grace for me, and my ever changing emotions. 

I will chose to cast aside tempting emotions that can cause me to sin, or miss out of the joy of worship, and I will hold fast to the steady word of God, the faithful Rock of Ages! God is my steady grasp when the war of emotions bog me down, or try to make me stumble.

I will chose to stand firm, being thankful for the emotions God has given me, but resist the devil from trying to manipulate them away from being good, and true.

                   Where to Hang Your Soul                                      

"Every Sunday morning in our church we repeat a creed. You know what it says." I believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, Maker of all things visible and invisible." There's a statement that has nothing whatever to do with my personal opinions or emotions . It's a statement of objective fact, accepted by faith, and when I stand up in the company of others Christians and repeat this statement I am not talking about myself at all. The only thing I am saying about myself is that I submit to these truths. This is where I stand, this is Reality.
   Very Often (nearly always, I'm afraid) when I come to church my feelings are uppermost in my mind. This is natural. We are human, we are "selves,"and it takes no effort at all to feel. But worship is not feeling. Worship is not an experience. Worship is an act, and this takes discipline. We are to worship "in spirit and in truth." Never mind about the feelings. We are to worship in spite of them.
... I take my position, I get my bearings. I need to do this often- more often, it seems, in these days when so many have altogether lost there bearings." - 
Elisabeth Elliot from Let Me Be a Woman

So that is where I am at today... A challenge, and a choice to worship, and obey in spirit (emotion) and in TRUTH.

And November has not gone quite like I had intended in productivity. For evidence of my attempts, I have started 4 posts, but just haven't gotten to it. But it is by grace I am saved, and sustained- AMEN to that- because I sure do need it. :)

Thank you for all your prayers!

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.
 And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen." -1Peter 5:7-11

Friday, November 16, 2012


So it is now November.
I know a lot of things have been happening in the States. Whether that be enjoying all the no-shave-november participants, or the more likely, predominant "presidential bus" I know has been a main topic across the country.
I don't mean to be ignorant, or say that the politics don't matter, for I know they do indeed. I also don't mean to boast that I never had to answer a call to share what party I was in favor of, or watch any "approved by such-and-such" television adds, or even look at any lawn posters.

November was a different for me, because living in a different country, yet hearing all the ruckus of the month made me remember an Unshakable Kingdom. Everything that happens in the United States of America is not an earth shaking event. But there is a Kingdom that is!

Since being away, I have needed to be careful not to become too much of an American blasphemer. It honestly can become quite easy. Viewing on from a new perspective I can point out and see the falseness of this generation/age. It is also hard for me to be very interested because I really haven't been involved at all. It seems the same in many ways to me. I missed the hubbub of things. But I do have an idea of things, and it has brought a few thoughts to mind.

I am just reminded of our tendency to try and make our heaven on earth; making up a home, that is not heaven. We look for the unshakable, and fight for a security, but there is no such thing except for Jesus Christ.

November for me has been a time hungering for home, my real home in heaven.

Another unmet goal was to try and take a picture for everyday of the month. As you can see my ideas don't always happen seeing as there are only three days accounted for. :P oh well...

Monday, October 22, 2012

"I Shall Not Be In Want..."

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want." -Psalm 23:1
Here are some pictures taken at the Younger Kid's House.

These words have been running through my head for the last four weeks. I think at least once a day they come to mind. Only one sentence, yet in this one sentence holds three powerful, and grounding truths, for me to live my life.

Psalm 23  is one of those "popular" chapters in the bible. It is one of those chapters pretty much every adult has spoken hundreds of times throughout their life. One that as rich as it is, is found in  habit of being chanted off  in monotone without giving a thought to WHY it is this chapter of the bible was taught to me.

 It seem that I have become quite good at having words fall out my mouth effortlessly and without a thought. I have become a skilled memorizer of truths like psalm 23 but missed out on being a learner of the truths.

This last month has been a time where God has been showing me he wants a student, not just memorization.

September 18th was my half way mark for my time in South Africa. At that half way mark I said goodbye to my dear friend and companion here: Laurie, when she retuned home to the States at the end of here time here.

It was weird watching someone you have spent the last four months with hop on a plane.

We would always joke about being like a married couple, because maybe like married couples are, we spent pretty much ALL our time together apart from maybe 15 min in the bathroom in the mornings. :) So, as could be expected watching her leave was hard. Because all that time I spent with her would mean, not only not having my friend and helper around, but I would also be doing all these things alone.

I wasn't too thrilled about that, but we both knew that when we were planning to come to South Africa together and it was decided that I would be staying four months longer, we knew that God would have a purpose for me in that "alone" time.

As muh as I said I was excited for that time the Lord had prepared for me, I was also kind of scared and         unsatisfied with the idea for it would force me to depend upon the Lord in a lot more areas of my life, that people usually fill.

As I  anticipated, I grumbled, and pouted; showing that I really didn't accept this time that the Lord had planed as good, even if I said I did.

There I go again, chanting words carelessly without the learners heart, or ears attached.

But the Lord, pressed in upon that knowledge to penetrate my heart with the truth of who He is.

"The LORD is my shepherd.
I shall not be in want."

I will not be wanting.
The Lord is my shepherd, I will be satisfied in Him. 
He will not leave me or forsake me. He will not leave me thirsty.  I will not be lacking anything that I need. 

Now the question is, will I take God at His word and actually believe He is what says He is? My shepherd who leads me beside still waters, and restores my soul? Will He lead me in paths of righteousness in South Africa, even if I struggle? Even when I mess up? 

Is that my fear? 

He is a faithful and loving shepherd. Not ONE of His sheep- His stupid, brainless, wondering sheep- does He leave. The Parable of The Lost Sheep LUKE 15
I do not need to fear for God is will me leading me. 
And it says that this is for HIS name's sake (vs. 3). So that we might look upon the Good Shepherd, and worship-to make His name great among the earth. 

 I am one of those foolish, foolish sheep that keeps on wondering around trying to find water. When the LORD God all mighty leads me to the water I need for my tired, thirsty soul(vs.2). He is the LORD. 
I don't just have any shepherd. But the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY (Tjo! Take a second to consider that!) leads me. The God of Abraham, Jacob and Isaac.

 So, whether I chose to believe it or not Psalm 23 holds the truths of life that do not alter depending on my situation or feeling. God has given us His word in the Bible that we may learn of His character and the truth of is Name.

The truth is, Lord is my shepherd I WILL NOT be in want in South Africa. Because in Christ is the only source of all humanities satisfaction. And He will Lead me. My feet will not stumble. I shall not fear, for no matter what comes along, the Lord is with me( vs.4).

( I did not take this photo, but it was found in the public domain of google images)
"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."- Pslam 73:26

What a shame the mindless chanting, and praise-less doing; But I am so thankful for the word of God teaching me, even the oldest lesson, a new application and call to faith. 


The Lord Is My Shepherd 

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
    He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
    He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
    for his name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,[c]
    I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
    your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
    all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord