Monday, February 11, 2013

Poor Attempts to Update

I am attempting to write once again.
Currently, I have five drafts since being back in the states. I have tried to come up with the words to just say that I am home, but in many ways I stop before I can form any thoughts. 
Most areas in my life have been along the same levels of attention, and that being very weak. 
Maybe I could be said to be coming off a little flaky on this side of the globe? .

I have now banned myself from going near any Targets after a two hour wandering session through the shampoo isle... after which I invented a new term called culture coma...  Feel free to imagine,  the most exaggerated and you'll most likely be the most accurate. 
 Having not ever truly experienced such a feeling I decided to do a little "researching" to see how google would define this thing called culture shock. And yep, I think I have it!

Culture Shock

NOUN: A sense of confusion and uncertainty, sometimes with feelings of anxiety that may affect people exposed to an alien culture or environment without adequate preparation.

Even as funny as I am sure I look and act in this "new
environment" -after I get over the amazement that there are 17 different brands of corn chips on just one shelf- I still feel a strange sense of disillusionment and lostness. I sit back on my bed with the strangest of feelings trying understand how all the sudden I am in this new world/life wondering if this is where I should be. 

Coming home to my family was LOVELY! I had dearly missed seeing them face to face, and it was a great joy! But the feeling I was most expecting, that feeling of familiarity and sense of home was not there. I am not sure how to explain it all and have hesitated in even trying, for sometimes there are just no words to explain the throb in ones heart. 
 Sometimes only the voice you have is the salty water running down your cheek, and knowing that those are the words that anyone else will be able to hear. And this odd little mama has been speaking those salty words quite a lot. 

I still am not quite sure what day it is, or how long it has been since I have been wherever I am, but I know the hints are fading, and new phases of strange are still at hand.  It's hard. Real hard, but I am comforted by One who experienced the greatest "culture shock" and made way for us to really come HOME. Jesus Christ came down to the world from heaven, to give us a reason to live and love. I find comfort in Jesus, the only home who will satisfy! Just ponder that a bit!

So, that is a start I guess. :)